Sliced Pork Loin Sandwiches


John Solak

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
We are Going to have a Family Potluck tomorrow so I precooked some baby backs and beef ribs on the UDS. BB's were seasoned with Bad Byrons Butt rub and the beef ribs with Montreal Steak Seasoning. A couple of chunks of peach and cherry for smoke.

Then cranked the UDS to 350 and placed a chunk of pork loin on seasoned with Mrs. Dash Southwest Chipotle, granulated garlic and black pepper.



Plated. Served it like I would a PP sandwich with homemade cole slaw. Great sandwich!! Sides were Ranch style beans and a kale, spinach veggie soup I made.
Nice meal! Might be time for another loin... Wish I had a bowl of that soup this damp and rainy AM.
Great ribs and loins cook John! Did you use a recipe on your soup or just
throw it together?

I started with this recipe.

I guess its suppose to be a soup diet, I like it as a just soup. I made this the other day and really like it. I wanted to make another pot and change it up a little so I just added kale and spinach instead of cabbage. I saw a package of corn so I threw that in just because. I also only had 28 oz cans of diced tomatoes so I have been adding that much instead of 14 oz like the recipe says.

