Skyline well it has issues


Bobby Segars

TVWBB Super Fan
Drove about an 1.5 hrs to pick up this Skyline. It has some issues and some of the dreaded fade. Frame is rough and the burners are shot. Question is Bruce and Jon, how much fade did your Skyline lids have? Also it is natural gas, anyone interested in the manifold?


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On a scale of 1-10 with one being brand new looking and 10 being almost grey. I would say mine was about 3-4. It was clearly evident, but it probably wasn't even noticable after it was used a few times and had some dust and smoke residue on it.

It seems to me that a black skyline lid without any fade is a rare animal. So, i wouldn't be dissapointed. You have your SKYLINE lid and condiment basket. It looks like the rest is also intact but maybe not in that great of shape. If the frame is bad, then, just find another Genesis 1000 and swap over what is best on the Skyline along with a the propane manifold and you are in business. Get her fixed up, cleaned up and post a few photos and Jon can add you to the membership roles of his SKYLINE club.

IMO: The hood alone, even with the fade is worth the $15 and drive.
My experience was about like Bruce's - another 3 or 4. I actually even paid to have the hood, basket and few other parts shipped to me from NJ. I don't regret it, though, because there has only been one Skyline 3 burner for sale anywhere in Florida that I have seen since then, and it was 5 hours away.

My hood has the fade on the top, but the rest is really nice, so I consider the faded top a "minor inconvenience" the way JR Ewing used to refer to his wife Sue Ellen:rolleyes:! I agree that you got a great deal. I hope you will give it a thorough restore and a permanent home. I can't remember if you already have one, but if not welcome to the Skyline club!
My experience was about like Bruce's - another 3 or 4. I actually even paid to have the hood, basket and few other parts shipped to me from NJ. I don't regret it, though, because there has only been one Skyline 3 burner for sale anywhere in Florida that I have seen since then, and it was 5 hours away.

My hood has the fade on the top, but the rest is really nice, so I consider the faded top a "minor inconvenience" the way JR Ewing used to refer to his wife Sue Ellen:rolleyes:! I agree that you got a great deal. I hope you will give it a thorough restore and a permanent home. I can't remember if you already have one, but if not welcome to the Skyline club!

Thanks Bruce and Jon. I was a little disappointed with the overall condition but I have a 2000 frame I can use the lid on and I can use the flip up shelf on the right side of that frame. If someone is looking for a natural gas manifold let them know I have one.

Bobby - Out of the two Skylines that I did this summer the 3200 was an 8-9 score on the Lid. I got lucky. The small 2 burner 520 had fade plus you could see marks where an old cover disintegrated and left a pattern almost. It scored 3-4. On that one i wipe down occasionally with PAM. Helps minimize fade. I saw that grill you bought this week. Evansville right? Good Luck. Looks like a great project

Bobby - Out of the two Skylines that I did this summer the 3200 was an 8-9 score on the Lid. I got lucky. The small 2 burner 520 had fade plus you could see marks where an old cover disintegrated and left a pattern almost. It scored 3-4. On that one i wipe down occasionally with PAM. Helps minimize fade. I saw that grill you bought this week. Evansville right? Good Luck. Looks like a great project



Yep drove over from Elizabethtown Ky to Evansville. Took the wife with me. I believe the lid will look okay after a good cleaning. I will post pics for everyone as I go along.

After reading what you guys have with the fading on the top, I guess I really lucked out I would rate the whole lid on my skyline as a 1 no fade whatsoever looks like brand new. The fact that it lived in Phoenix which is called the valley of the sun most of it's life I suspect it was on a covered patio or had a cover over it when not in use.
IT might have more to do with heat from the grill itself than the sun.

That's very possible because the grill was in great shape when I got it. Original grates and FBs which were in almost in like new condition. Also the fire box had very little build up.
Yes, I also think fade is brought on much more by use than the sun. Florida sun doesn't seem to have a big effect on the hoods, either. Also, I think the way the porcelain was mixed/made varied over the years and production cycles. Black seems to be particularly subject to this. Red grills can fade, too, but they don't seem to do so as badly.

