Skyline finally done and up for sale

Well, I certainly wouldn't be rehabbing if that was how it was up here.

Bruce, based on my experiences and those of others,
I think yours are an anomaly. Enjoy it though. The
rest of will continue to keep hoping our day will come.

STEPHAN, EXCELLENT WORK. It's the first week of May. No need get in
a rush to sell that one. Hold out for the "Bruce" money. :)
From comments Stefan has made, it seems like his area doesn't have as many older Weber fans that fondly remember the classic Genesis grills like the nice redhead he had to part with for $175. It seems like Bruce has had better success with older grills, probably because Weber has a stronger following in the Midwest and there are more older potential buyers he can reach. I guess if you want to keep moving grills you have to identify what works for you.
The older buyers who have grown up here appreciating some backyard BBQ and the good old Webers from 20+ years ago seemed to have all but disappeared in my area. We have a tremendous growth here and are becoming a very diverse culture. Lots and lots of new companies moving in attracting lots of younger people from all over the US and the world. Asians and Hispanics are the strongest growing ethnicity in our area covering the whole income spectrum. And understandable most don't really have an affiliation towards more "traditional" US products and culture such as backyard grilling. And that is the same with other products as well.
LOL, Dave, you are the one with rehabs listed at more than 4 bills.

For the first time in about 4 months, I do not have a single Genesis for sale, or even
have one to prep. They are all gonzo! All of my 4 bill Genny's were are all late model
330's shined up, new parts, everything working perfect. We have a slew of sidewinders
for sale here now, that are priced beyond what I was getting. It was like shooting fish
in a barrel. Real easy to sell when your competition has lots of overpriced items out there.
Well, I just sold that Silver B I had listed yesterday. The funny thing is, my sister who lives in Minneapolis keeps telling me I need to list them up there. I told her that is too far (225 miles). I sent a link to my listing down here for $290 and she told me again to list it up there. She said I could get more up there than here. I said, fine, and listed the same grill up there for $350. I got an offer this morning for $325 for the grill, $50 for delivery and another $10 for an empty propane tank. I am throwing in an old grill cover as well. So, the grill delivered is going to be $385.
Well miracles seem to happen. Sold it today for the asking price to a 70 year old gentleman who is a fan of these old grills. Speaking about the typical clients. He even paid me $40 for delivery because he lives far outside of town. And all upfront through PayPal. Yes it was a 100 miles round trip but I think it was worth it. He is happy and I am happy.
Yah, 100 miles round trip is definitely worth it. Good job and I bet that guy will be a happy camper for many years to come. I bet he had one back when he was in his 40's and 50's.
He seemed to like old stuff. Told be about his various classic cars he owns and in the garage was a late model Corvette he just recently bought for his wife and a brand new truck outside. So I guess money wasn’t an issue. If I could find more clients like this I would continue restoring old grills. 😂
Stefan, I would still consider doing a few. Just look for primo deals on of the more desirable grills. If you are only doing a few, you should be able to find a Platinum SS or something like that for $50 or less.
I here ya. But I have a few other antique projects lined up which I want to tackle first. I have an old huge steamer trunk sitting in my garage for months which I want to convert into a minibar and some other stuff. More clean woodwork and less nasty cleaning fire boxes. And I have a few old bicycles I want to restore and there is this Shopsmith sitting in my garage I really want to start playing with. Way too many projects and not enough time.
Sounds good Stefan. I am torn between my grills and a couple other hobbies, activities, chores and obligations as well. I think that when it gets mid summer hot up here, I may shut down my grill rehabbing for a month or so and concentrate on some other activities for a while before I make a late season push again with the grills.
I hear ya. Balancing priorities. I got more into cycling a few years back. I try to be on my bike for at least one hour a day. And I rather cycle for one hour than scrub a firebox. Lol
That would be a tough call for me Stefan. But, hey, I move from hobby to hobby as well. For about 8 years I was into growing hot peppers in containers. Since I have taken up grill rehabbing, I have transitioned completely away from that hobby. I still miss things about it, but I had done all I wanted to do with it by then.

