Simplest photo sharing site?


Jason Paul

TVWBB Member
OK, I might like to post occasional photos here. I'm trying to make it as simple as possible.

Let me start by saying I can figure out how to get them to show here. I'm also on a photography site and have shared several photos. However there, I'm usually using my good camera. So, I have to put photos on the computer, then upload them to flickr, then post in the forum.

On this forum though, I'd probably just be using the camera on my phone.

So, I'd like to be able to upload photos straight to the photo sharing site from my phone, rather than put them on the computer first.

I'd still probably want to make the actual forum post on the computer (so I don't have to type a whole post on my phone), but I'd like to be able to do the first step (phone to photo sharing site) with my phone.

Who does it like this, and what photo sharing site do you use? As I said, I have a flickr account, and maybe their app is fine (I haven't tried it yet - and honestly haven't even been there in a year or more), but I figured I'd ask here and see what others are using.

I still use Some people have posted they've experienced delays in the past week or two but any pics I've uploaded (via tablet usually) only take 10-15 seconds to complete. If you shrink 'em to 800x600, it takes even less time.
I like imgur as I am usually not trying to create online albums, just post them. You don't need an account, just upload and it gives you a link to the image. Guess worth noting that since its not under any account its a little bit more public then say photobucket, where you can choose to not have photos show up unless someone has the url... but I am not usually using it for private stuff and there are enough photos on there that its unlikely anyone is finding mine.
Hey Jason - I've used Flickr for over a decade and in terms of uploading from your phone, their current app is pretty slick. Not only does it upload individual photos, but you can also set it to auto-upload everything on your camera roll, at least with iOS. Although I've been a paid pro user, I'm pretty sure they have almost a Tb of free storage now. The Flickr community certainly isn't what it was during it's heyday, but they've made a lot of positive changes the last few years and most importantly, their app is efficient and stable. Good luck!


