Simple halibut tacos!


Morgan C.

TVWBB Diamond Member
Had to try out my lodge basket so we fried up some beer battered halibut and made fish tacos!!!
Sorry the pictures were really Terrible on this cook! Must have been the margaritas!

Started with simple old oysters grilled open and splashed with Tabasco and lemon!
Fish frying in some veggie oil dipped in a real simple beer batter!
A picture of the operation!
And a bite for u!! Plated with black beans and Mexican rice! Tacos topped with shredded cabbage soaked in lemon and vinegar! Little sour cream on top!
My wife talked me in to making these years ago and I thought she was nuts!! Actually one of my favorite ways to eat fish today!!

Again sorry for the poor picture quality!

Take care!
Nice cooking!

I like to do the same thing with cod fish. (We were catching 10-25lb'ers by the coolerful around here till April. I brought home a pillowcase of fillets on the last trip. Gave some away. Ate a bunch and had some frozen.

Now I wanna make them again... and Alaskan cod is on sale at the store here for about $4-5 a lb.

Time for some fish n' chips or some "pez y papas" tacos!
Looks great Morgan. Just got back from St. Augustine with a mess of black sea bass, cobia & grouper that I caught, so I think that some of them might become fish tacos soon.
Wastin away again in margaritaville
Searching for my lost shaker of salt
Some people claim that there's a woman to blame
But I know it's nobodys fault

No faults with your cook or your pics Morgan, everything looks terrific!

well, except that I can't see a lime wedge in that Corona
Great ***T Morgan! butt c'mon man! CORONA??!! Really?!

your cookin' looks FANTASTIC! Glad you switched beverages here
Nice fryer rig on the kettle. I'm going to try that setup. I have been using a fry baby inside but smells up the whole house. I like your setup better.

