Simple Flat Iron Steak dinner /w taters


Michael C.

TVWBB Gold Member
I picked up some flat iron steaks from Super Wal Mart the other day. The butcher sliced them weird to me. I'm use to a whole flat iron steak. Anyways, I seasoned these with some South African Spice from Trader Joes. Good stuff from TJ. Direct on some very hot coals, flipped, and in about 7-10 minutes, the steaks were done, medium rare. Perfectly done. The taters came from Trader Joes, 6 minutes in the microwave. A very easy, quick, simple good tasting meal! Here are the photos.

Flat Iron Steaks, all ready for the grill.

Steaks on.

A flip, a few minutes later, steaks are done!

Close up pic of the steaks.

Just meat and potatoes.

Thanks for looking :).
Very nice looking dinner. The steaks at the Super Walmart by me suck, they are all cut 3/4" thick but one we go to in an area we like to camp at has thicker steak and chuck eyes too. I neve looked to see if they had flat irons there.
Nice looking steaks Michael. Hey next time try your taters on the grill, and give that microwave a rest.

