Simple blacken fish for Sunday dinner

We can’t get that here, I’ve had it outside the US, could possibly be the best fish ever
(y) Never seen it here either Chuck. But I've had it numerous times in South Africa, cooked hibachi style. Wonderful.

Roughy is right up there with Dorado, (mahi-mahi), which is my all time favourite grilled fish.
I caught this 22lb beauty on a hand-line off the coast of Angola. We had it gutted, filleted & "steak'd" within the hour.
A Californian work colleague took over the vessel's galley & "blackened" the whole lot on a hot-plate. Outstanding. (Apols for thread hijack).

Thanks for the comments and the likes everyone! Tony never apologize for adding to a thread. This if funny you guys talk about it being hard to find because this is the first time I have seen it as an adult. Roughy was a fish my mom would get and serve when I was younger and I loved it, but until the other day I have never seen it as an adult. My daughter and I were saying last night long after dinner that it was amazing. I can't wait to tell her about your guys comments.
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