Silver A Thoughts

@ Chris: these are pretty standard around here, I think it's a 16kg bottle or something like that? I understand that the regular gas tanks in the USA are smaller (I wouldn't hang this on the side of the frame!)

@ Tony: Glad you like it! One of these days, I will take more / better pics, and create a separate post about my grill.
On the edge you can see a large screw (SS terrace screw), to attach a "block" on the other side that slides into the frame. To secure it, I just used the N-S oriented screw holes that secured the original handle.
The table itself isn't secured to the frame, it just rests on it, like the original.

@ Bruce: Glad you found another tabletop already. I would have gladly donated mine (still do!) but shipping might be prohibitive.
That green lid is beautiful!

I won't be using these so if anyone's interested.. let me know.
Bruce, sorry to hear you lost the table. Let that be a lesson for everyone here. ALSO- REMOVE THE KNOBS FOLKS!
I lost a complete set on a 310 a couple of years ago.
Oh, I forgot to mention that the guy I got the Silver A from had a brand new CHARBROIL sitting next to it. I asked him why he didn't go with another Weber and he said it came down to price. He got it on sale from Walmart for just a couple hundred. I felt like telling him not to expect it to last as long as his 2003 Weber Silver A lasted which is a 2003 model. He said he liked the weber but needed a bigger grill and could not pass on the deal on the Charbroil. In a couple years, maybe I can sell him one of my Silver B rehabs....hahahaha
Yah, just show him some of your work later on and he'd probably be interested! How big was the Charbroil?
I am not sure on the size sam, but it looked bigger than a plain 3 burner. He had a brand new Charbroil cover on it and I didn't ask exactly how big it was. I think it was probably 4 or more burners.
I won't be using these so if anyone's interested.. let me know.

If cleaned properly, will these paint well, e.g. matte black or satin black....? Thinking of painting black on my Gold B rehab (the ends not the tables).
I think the jury is out for long-term viability, but if you follow the careful method Brian in Atlanta lays out, I personally believe you could successfully update these to black. I think Bruce's new green Silver A would look extra sharp with that update:cool:!

