Silence of the Lamb Leg


Marty Owens

Never had lamb before, so this was new to both my wife and I. So seasoned up the four pound boneless leg of lamb with Tatonka Dust of course!


On the grill cooking indirect at 275º till the internal meat temp reached 105º.


Went to direct high heat for a good sear bringing the internal meat temp to 135º, then pulled and rested for about 15 minutes.


Back to indirect heat for some garlic toast and a bean and carrot blend of mixed veggies seasoned with Tatonka Dust.


Leg of lamb sliced...


Both of us really enjoyed the lamb, definitely be having this again!

Thanks for looking!
heard of bacon flavoured tooth paste.... wondering when you'll come out with taonka flavoured toothpaste...?
lamb is excellent, can't believe this is your first stab at it.... but sure looks good!
NICE!!! It's been so long and I'd LOVE some of that! Well done (the cook, not the meat!)!
Thanks for the compliments, much appreciated!

Wow that looks amazing!! I've never had lamb is that a gamey taste or?

I have seen people say they get a gamey taste from lamb, my wife and I did not. I have found with a known gamey meat such as venison soaking it for a few hours in milk makes the meat more tender and releases much of the blood from the meat which in my opinion is where the gamey taste comes from in venison. But with this lamb we did not soak it in milk before cooking as being our first time having lamb wanted to know what it taste like and we did not experience a gamey taste from it.
I have been eating Lamb since I was young with all of my european family but I have not had it on the grill yet and can't wait. That lamb looks perfect, nice job!

