Show us your grill loading ramp! How do you load those grills in your truck by yourself?

I have picked up a bunch of grills using a minivan. You can only do one at a time, but the low threshold makes things easier. Like others have said I remove the loose stuff and, on a larger grill, the hood. But I have been told it is not cool to get grills in a van. I would love to get a truck, but reading all this tells me that I better have a ramp plan.

When I was a teenager in Florida, I worked for a landscape guy who attached loose long hinges to two 2x12 boards. We drove his riding mower up and down those all the time. He just dropped the unattached sides of the hinges down between the tailgate and the truck bed.
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I have picked up 3 with my Sienna. One on the cargo rack and 2 inside with lids off. We also had a bunch of stuff as we were coming back from the Outer banks in NC. I bought them online, and asked the sellers to keep them a week for me knowing I could pick them up on the way back from our vacation. They were all great deals and were cleaned and sold quickly. Now when we plan a road trip I check the areas for used Weber deals from our destination back. 2 birds with 1 stone.
Joe, I do the same thing any time I am making a trip outside my normal local area. If I think I will have time and flexibility on my trip home, I look for possible rehab candidates along the way.
what i do is if its a summit i take off the tables and hood and lay it on its back and it slides in nice in my Volvo wagon with the genesis same thig the key is laying it down with every thing out of it makes it lighter
You can take anything in a Volvo wagon.
I once took a big dining table (64" × 44" without the extra leaves) + 6 chairs in my Volvo 850 wagon. The guy didn't believe that I can fit it all in.
I don't have a truck. Only a minivan and an SUV. In the Sienna I could easily fit two grills upright without the lid on. Just lift it up on one side with the large wheels and then roll it in. No ramp needed.
When I had to haul more than two grills I rented a U-Haul trailer. The small ones are about $20 for 24H and fit up to 4 grills. Easy to load over the fold down tail gate which acts as a ramp and easy to tie down on the high side walls. And you don't need to disassemble anything. Just take all the loose stuff of such as tables, knobs or tape it down such as side burner lids so that stuff does not fly off while driving.

