Show us your charcoal inventory/stash

I used to stock up but when I moved, I gave up a lot of my storage (downsized for retirement). Plus, I found that I like to try different brands and have some fun catching a sale every now ant then. I got some B&B from Ace when it was on sale earlier this year. I stopped and got a couple bags of Rockwood lump near St. Louis when I took a trip to see my dad. I have a bag of Stubbs briquettes because I like those to start my minion cooks.

I'm pretty much a lump person and since I don't cook (or eat) as much as I used to, I'm good with a few bags on hand. Though, I always have an eye out for something new, with a good review and especially if it's on sale. I'm not likely to get down to one (my last) bag unless something really significant happens to the supply. Last I checked, they make enough here in the US so I don't think the current situation is going to be a significant event for charcoal purchases, though I'd probably do well to get an extra bag or so soon.
I must know what the “blue stuff bag” is!
It’s sourced from Paraguay and used in commercial kitchens. It doesn’t have any markings on the bag other than what it is (lump charcoal), the weight (26 lbs or 12 kg) and where it comes from (still Paraguay.)

A local farmer was advertising that he had, and I’m not kidding you, 1500 bags of it. (Yes you read that correctly.) I drove out to see him and sure enough… it was all well kept, plastic wrapped and on pallets. $16 a bag. I bought 10.
Why a local farmer? Was he just a BBQ guy or reseller type? Or, did he have some use for it in the farming process?
Why a local farmer? Was he just a BBQ guy or reseller type? Or, did he have some use for it in the farming process?
None of the above. He had a thick German accent and from what I could gather and he has family - or -is originally from Paraguay.

I told myself that he probably bought it at an auction, likely a cancelled order… but the truth is I really have no idea.
Some places where you wouldnt expect to find deals on lump charcoal.
Grain & Feed stores ( which might explain the farmer above)
Roofing supply store. ( they use it to light the tar )
Most I find is plain wrapped almost generic but good quality.
I'm waiting to get past my VISA due date....just a couple weeks left and I will be putting in my bbq order.
I have about 8 bags now in the garage, its probably going to be another dozen or so.
I like to have a nice supply and not worry about orders n stuff every 2 months.
JD lump is $40 X 12 = $480
Not fun.
I "only" have 125 pounds of K-Pro in the stash.

The Mrs vetoed my proposed purchased of Cowboy briqs at Costco yesterday on sale at 27.7 cents a pound.

Seemed kind of unreasonable to me...
Jim C in Denver and any others. How do you find the Cowboy Lump in use? I've heard is flares and sparks a lot so haven't used it.
Jim C in Denver and any others. How do you find the Cowboy Lump in use? I've heard is flares and sparks a lot so haven't used it.
It's true.
It flares and sparks. At least the wood portions do. The rocks and nails that I've found in a bag of it didn't spark at all.
It's junk.
The briquettes, however, are fine. I snagged several bags of the briquettes when they were getting rid of it at a local Costco. It's good stuff and, if I ever run out, I wouldn't hesitate to buy it again.

