Steve P. (Timmee)
TVWBB Member
Hello All,
I am having sleepless nights over this topic and turn to you to for some help. I already have a Weber Performer and love it! I have smoked BB ribs on it now a few times and they turned out great. Now I am debating on taking smoking a little bit more seriously, and therefore starting to look at the WSM’s. I’m not sure If I should get a 18.5 or 22.5 since I haven’t done many smokes in the past. We don’t usually grill for a huge number of people (maybe 6-8) and not all the time. Would an 18.5 suffice? I would also like to know what the selection of things are that could be smoked. I see a trend towards ribs and brisket only. Are there more varieties to make it worth owning a smoker?
Any help on Size, if I should get one, what to smoke, etc, would be great!
Thanks to all!
I'm in a similar situation and have been debating the same thing, and I've decided to go with getting a 22.5" WSM. That will allow me to cover all my outdoor cooking bases, as I already have a Smokey Joe (for portable grilling, and with the addition of the mini WSM mod, smoking) and a 22.5" OTG (for home grilling, smoking, and slow roasting with the addition of the C&C rotisserie ring).