Brian Zimmerman
So here is something a little different. Made a beef shawarma which is basically a middle eastern soft taco. It has 3 parts to it a marinade, toppings and a sauce. For the marinade you want a cup plain yogurt, 1/4 cup vinegar, 2 cloves garlic, 1/2 tspn salt, 1 tspn ground cardamom, 1 tspn allspice and juice of one lemon. Put in a freezer bag and let sit in fridge overnight.
For the toppings thinly slice some cucumber, onion, parsley, tomato. Combine and bowl and add a tspn of ground sumac.
For the sauce make a tahini sauce. Used 1 cup tahini, 1 cup water, 1 cup lemon juice, 2 cloves of garlic and 2 tspn plain yogurt.
Grilled the marinaded beef over indirect heat.
Sliced it thin and added to a piece of flat bread. Put some tahini sauce over the meat and veggies.
Plated with some tabbouleh. Made the tabbouleh from 1 bunch of parsley cut with no stems, 2 small tomatoes diced, a handful of sliced fresh mint, and oil. Took quarter cup of bulgar and juice of 2 lemons and combined for 1/2 hour. Then combined all into the salad. Here it is plated.
Not bad.

For the toppings thinly slice some cucumber, onion, parsley, tomato. Combine and bowl and add a tspn of ground sumac.
For the sauce make a tahini sauce. Used 1 cup tahini, 1 cup water, 1 cup lemon juice, 2 cloves of garlic and 2 tspn plain yogurt.
Grilled the marinaded beef over indirect heat.

Sliced it thin and added to a piece of flat bread. Put some tahini sauce over the meat and veggies.

Plated with some tabbouleh. Made the tabbouleh from 1 bunch of parsley cut with no stems, 2 small tomatoes diced, a handful of sliced fresh mint, and oil. Took quarter cup of bulgar and juice of 2 lemons and combined for 1/2 hour. Then combined all into the salad. Here it is plated.

Not bad.