Brian Cross
TVWBB Member
Got a Washtub at Rural King to set the WSM in and it works great! Legs are right up to the edge and its above the Vents to block wind. Also 2 People can pick it up and it has Handles Its a 17 gal Behrens Washtub.
This is something I've pondered a bit about after reading a post from a former Weber employee. If I recall, he posted something to the effect that the wsm isn't designed to be used with a windbreak, or something like that, but I've since forgotten the exact context.
My thought or question is this, though. If a windbreak is used to shield the bottom vents, shouldn't the wind break shield the cooking chamber as well? What I'm wondering is that couldn't it be that extra air to the coals on the upwind side of the cooker might serve to compensate for the wind cooling off that side of the cooker? Just thinking out loud....
It's "A good thing" Clint because we all have to deal with what we have when cooking outdoors.