Select Packer vs. Choice Flat


Mark R (LR)

TVWBB Super Fan
Our Monday Night Football crew has a few very good cooks. I finally got my ribs to the point that I'm more than happy to serve them to our MNF crew, but I've only really nailed a brisket once. I want my MNF menu to include ribs and brisket, so I'm on a mission to get better at brisket over the summer. My Sam's used to carry a better selection of briskets, but lately the only choices have been Select Packers or Choice Flats. A nearby Food Giant carries Choice Packers, but they charge a LOT more than Sams. I may splurge when it comes time for the real thing, but I want to stick with the Sams briskets while my learning curve is still pretty steep.

If given the choice between practicing on Select Packers or Choice Flats, which would you recommend?


I'm with Jimmy and Tony on this (who would of guessed ;) ). The difference in packer prices just might in part be due to a better grade of meat...
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Packers it is! One of the big reasons I got the 22.5 wsm was to fit packers on there. I just had a hard time passing up Choice grade for Select grade and wanted some feedback from the gurus on here. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

