second smoke...not good



New member
but lessons learned.

I smoked back ribs starting at 4:00 p.m yesterday with the intention of smoking a brisket overnight. ribs were great and came of around 8:30 and just left the minion method started fire alone. The WSM hummed along beautifully until 10:00 p.m. when I put the brisket on (9 1/2 lbs). Temp stayed pretty consistent untilI finally called it a night at 11:30 p.m. Intended to get up but when I finally awoke I was out of fuel with cooker at 134 F and the meat temp the same (6:30 a.m.) I quickly wrapped in foil and finished in the oven to 200 F. Still tasted ok and was pretty moist but definately missed the smoke ring and more the consistency of a roast. Oh also spilled my water bowl when trying to replace with bigger one when I bought the wrong one.

Lesson learned:

I could hardly see...poor lighting
no brand charcoal
try not to spill water on the fire
watch beer content so there is an opportunity to wake up

try again!

Thanks to all for your stories and advice...Im really enjoying myself!
no brand charcoal.. will get you every time....

whats the the best, only cry once...mmmmm.....that doesnt make sense...

just buy the best and you wont have to cry at all.. and yes.. get a light...

