Seasoned or Dirty


James Harvey

So, I've done 20+ cooks in my WSM. The inside looks pretty grungy. I clean my grates, pan and rinse out my bowl. The interior of the mid section and lid look pretty grungy. I really don't think I'd ever be bothered to clean them but does anyone have an opinion? I do watch for flaking and wipe if I see it.


I use a small plastic putty knife for Drywall repairs to clean the inside of my kettle, similar to the one pictured below. It won't hurt the finish and it also leaves a thin layer of the gunk behind as seasoning, something you won't get if you use Easy Off to really clean it.

Yea, watch for a flaky scalp or lid. I like to pick the lid up by the handle and give it a coupla whacks with the bottom of my fist. ( sounds like the old Gong Show )
Not like a karate chop, but just enough to see if any flakes are falling out. If so I'll give it a hit with an old 5 in 1 tool or the Weber brass brush.
I do like to keep an eye on the grate straps and pan holder. Otherwise you can just give it a quick rinse off with a hose and some Simple Green if you like.

I rinse the mold out before I cook (in Fla it shows up in a matter of a few days). Periodically I knock out the flakes from the lid. That's it for cleaning the unit. The grates I clean before and after use.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by K Kruger:
I rinse the mold out before I cook (in Fla it shows up in a matter of a few days). Periodically I knock out the flakes from the lid. That's it for cleaning the unit. The grates I clean before and after use. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Except for the mold part (although as much rain as we've had lately, that may change) I do the same. The grates touch the meat, so they have to be clean. Anything that looks like it may flake off (lid or body) gets the brass brush treatment.
Grates - Clean
Outside - Once or twice a year wipe down
Lid - Check before every cook. Use nylon brush if needed. Flakes are nasty!
Lid - Clean the rim with some vinegar and a paper towel.
Middle section - Clean the lip (for the lid) with paper towel and vinegar.
Water pan - Wrap with aluminum foil so just unwrap and throw away (not really cleaning but obviously done before every cook).

That's it. Grates are cleaned by soaking them in hot water and dish soap in my utility sink. After a few minutes, scrub them with a sponge with scotch pad (green pad) on one side. They look close to brand new.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Charles Howse:

How 'bout telling us zactly how you clean your grates? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Obviously I'm not Kevin but...
The trick with sealing them overnight in a plastic bag with ammonia works:

I have, on occasion, cleaned the grate by filling the inside of the grill full of balled-up sheets of newspaper and burning off the accumulated gunk. The remaining white ash brushes right off.
Yeah, I've seen people on here with spotless Grates. I've tried soaking them - then scrubbing - then putting in the dishwasher - still lots of black on them. HOW THE HECK DO YOU GUYS GET YOUR GRATES SO DARN CLEAN?!?!?! I can't seem to figure it out....
If it gets moldy I just load it up with coals & get it as hot as I can to burn it all off days before I cook.

For the grates, I actually just throw/"store" the WSM grates in my OTS. After I cook something on it, the heat keeps the grates "clean."
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by David Verba:
Yeah, I've seen people on here with spotless Grates. I've tried soaking them - then scrubbing - then putting in the dishwasher - still lots of black on them. HOW THE HECK DO YOU GUYS GET YOUR GRATES SO DARN CLEAN?!?!?! I can't seem to figure it out.... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

You need to start with new grates. Keeping them clean is easier than getting them clean after a number of cooks. Then, you need to spray them with Pam (or whatever brand), then soak them and scrub them after each and every cook. I wouldn't put them in the dish washer or put them on a hot grill. That will basically turn a stain to carbon and you'll not get that off without major scrubbing or something like oven cleaner.

Another thing you can do is not let it bother you. That black is not going to hurt a thing. If you scrubbed them and put them in the dishwasher, they are as clean as they need to be to cook on.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jerry N.:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by David Verba:
Yeah, I've seen people on here with spotless Grates. I've tried soaking them - then scrubbing - then putting in the dishwasher - still lots of black on them. HOW THE HECK DO YOU GUYS GET YOUR GRATES SO DARN CLEAN?!?!?! I can't seem to figure it out.... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

You need to start with new grates. Keeping them clean is easier than getting them clean after a number of cooks. Then, you need to spray them with Pam (or whatever brand) before each cook, then soak them and scrub them after each and every cook. I wouldn't put them in the dish washer or put them on a hot grill. That will basically turn a stain to carbon and you'll not get that off without major scrubbing or something like oven cleaner.

Another thing you can do is not let it bother you. That black is not going to hurt a thing. If you scrubbed them and put them in the dishwasher, they are as clean as they need to be to cook on. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
For grates.

I pretty much dump them into really hot soapy water after each cook. I actually like to use lestoil or just some typical (Dawn) liquid. Let them soak overnight then clean off with a stiff brush or mild abrasive pad (green or blue). I typically don't use SOS/Brillo that much anymore for this as the pads seem to last longer.

For a really good clean up, once or twice a year (or if I've let them sit and get hardened) I take a grate set it inside a plastic bag then holding the can inside the bag spray oven cleaner well all over. I'll flip the grate in the bag and spray the other side.

Repeat with additional grates. You can put all your grates in the same bag or use separate bags. Close the bag/s and let sit overnight - 24 hours. All nice and bright and easily cleaned. I do all my cleaning in a laundry tub in the basement.

BTW this bag method works great on cast iron grates/pan too but it will remove the seasoning. I also use it to clean up the removable enameled grates and element pans from the indoor cook top as well. Works great.

Inside the Performer/WSM brush them scrape them (plastic scraper) once in awhile. On the outsides I use heavy duty Dawn degreaser/cleaner (not dishwashing liquid) and a sponge. Rinse, wipe dry.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by r benash:
I do all my cleaning in a laundry tub in the basement. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

So did I, until we moved and now I have no basement, and no laundry tub. My kitchen sink won't accommodate the grates from the WSM, let alone the 22" kettle.
Gotcha. Plastic bags with the oven cleaner method could be your new friend. Let them sit overnight then just spray them down real good and wipe the rough spots with abrasive pad or brush. You could do most of this outside. Really makes the clean up simple, but not the tidyist of cleanup methods to do in the kitchen

Use a grill brush to clean them off best you can spray with a strong hose between?

OR get yourself a plastic barrel and cut off halfway down, etc. I.E. - see if you can get a plastic tub to wash them in. Anyway just thinking out loud. I'm sure others will chime in some more.

