
Nah no flip on this grill Bruce. I'm doing this one for the weekend house (fishing shack :-)). No need to remove the end caps. The inside and out gets a good degreasing. I clean the caps really good, slide some news paper under them, and shoot them. Took the caps off on my first one but didnt feel that it was necessary on the second or this one. I only do these for myself, friends, family etc. it's quite fun and all the ones I have done are still in outstanding shape and well past double digits in age. They're gonna get greased up the first time I cook so I just clean'em so they look halfway decent and cook well. These grills will last a long time
Sounds like a very sensible approach. By the way, they don't get greased up, they get "Seasoned" after you use them the first time. hahaha
Thanks Brian. Looking forward to putting it back together and touching it off ����
On my Gold C I didn't take the rails off either, I just cleaned around them as best as I could and made sure there wasn't any build up in the way so the tray would slide easily. I have another one I am about to start that the rail is broken so I WILL be getting into that soon!
I hear ya CB. the rails is one of the things I check when looking at a grill, along with the left side frame anchor bolt. Both of those can make or break an easy restore for me. Took me two years to find this one. I look at CL every day, and go see some but there are so many out there and I'm not in a hurry so I'm kinda picky. The guys here on this forum are the only ones who can appreciate this passion :-). Great place to hang around and learn for sure. Good group!
Ya gota love it when these emblems jump back to life
It certainly is. On my first couple flips, I didn't redo the emblems. I didn't really see an easy way to do it. They were an eyesore really. But, a little spray paint, some sand paper and a half hour make them look brand new. And they put the finishing touch on a grill refurbish for sure.
turning out nicely. Had to patch the aluminum drip pan as it had a hole melted in it. From the looks of it probably a grease fire. i am always shocked when i go look at these prospects i pull out the grease pan and they always look like its NEVER been emptied! I just used some JB weld and backed the hole with some waxed cardboard and spread a patch. Looks like it will do the trick. Touched it off briefly after reassembly, and as was met with nice blue consistent flames. As soon as the drip pan is finished ill be able to run it up to operating temp and clean the grates a bit better. All in all a fairly quick restore.
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Those aluminum drip pans are hard to come by. Most of the time, the previous owners just used them without the disposable liner and after it fills up, they just pitch it instead of trying to clean it out. I have found many times that even if they are still there, they have small holes in them from some kind of corrosion. Some kind of acids from the food, I guess.
I'm talking about the 'main' drip pan Bruce. I'm used to the 1000's that have the porcelain coated pan. this is my first two burner and the whole drip pan is aluminum as well as the small catch pan. the main pan was the culprit here. Had a hole resembling a gash about 3" long and 3/4" wide. I think the JB will do the trick
Bob looking really good, that patch should be fine. I had to patch the top rails of mine with jb weld and mine was the old porcelain also used the cardboard trick it ain't pretty but you can't see it anyway. Also had some worm holes on the bottom not all the way thru so hit them also.
Thanks JK. I saw that. That's my option if the patch gives way, but I've had JB do some impressive stuff for me before. Got my fingers crossed. LOL the Mrs rolls her eyes every time I bring a lost peice of equipment home to refurb. So I try and keep costs to a minimum when I can. Gives me just that much more peace ;)
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