Sausage Stuffed Chicken Leg Quarters...A.K.A........


Boss Banks

I got idea for this recipe from Pitmaster X on youtube.
He gives the recipe another name. Here is the link to his video......

Ok. Lets get started.

I de-boned some leg quarters. I put them in my KY fire chicken marinade. You can find the recipe in the poultry section. I used the one without the hot sauce and I marinated them for about two hours. I then stuffed them with sweet Italian sausage. I did not wrap the quarters in bacon like Pitmaster X. Chicken fat is cool with me. I did use toothpicks to secure the edges together.

I then placed them on a hot grill and cooked them for about an hour.

There was a lot of fat between the chicken skin and sausage. I did not mind cooking them extra well done. Feel free to pull off sooner if you desire.

Plated with some fresh green beans and new potatoes. The meat was very tender and juicy. However, the taste of the sausage was overpowering. Next time I will probably cut the mixture in half with some fresh ground pork or bread crumbs.

And......a little banana pudding for dessert!!

Thanks for looking!!!
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Another recipe I need to do. Thanks for sharing.
Nice job on those stuffed legs. They look good!!!
some nice looking chicken!! I tried this a while back and the flavors weren't as good as I was expecting either.
Thanks Jim K. and Jim Lampe! The video best video for deboning leg quarters is here:

Deboning chicken reminds me of an old joke......

There was a guy that worked at the sawmill...........

He called his wife and said, "I cut off my finger!"
She said, "Your whole finger!"

He said........

"Naw, the one next to it........"

In other words, be careful de-boning the chicken thighs!

The only difference for me and the video, I did not pull the bone completely out. I just broke the bone at the end like Chef Pepin. This has been posted here in the past, but here is another link....
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