Saratoga Steaks?


Kevin Walsh

Hoping that someone here can help me out. My wife is hosting an event this evening that will be attended by several other women, and had asked me to grill some filets to be thinly sliced and served on crostini as an hors d'ouevre. I told her that, of course, I would be happy to help.

This morning, however, instead of filets, she picked up from BJ's something labeled "BF CHUCK MOCK TENDER STK (980087) SARATOGA STEAK."

I am certain that her decision to go with this significantly lower priced cut is a reflection of her confidence in my ability with a charcoal fire and a pair of tongs, and I hope that her confidence is not misplaced, but I have no experience with this cut, and I have to confess that the words "mock tender" do nothing for my own confidence. I just don't know if I can make this work. Can anyone offer any guidance, or success stories with Saratoga Steaks?

Thanks for any help you can provide.
I've bought " Chuck Eye Steaks " AKA Poor Man's Rib-eyes that were labeled " Mock tender " in the past. Can't say if that's what you have.

Thanks, all. I went out and got some nice ribeyes instead. The "mock" tenders will go into a "real" chili, soup, or stew.

