S J. Gold Mini WSM Smoker

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Pat, Thanks. I have the gold and am thinking of changing the vent system. It would be nice to take it on vacation and use it as a smoker as well. Have you tried a Guru on it?
Here are a few pics:
First, Two hard-working Webers getting ready to feed a hungry crowd for my son's first birthday.
Side by Side Weber and Mini
This is the 8 lb pork loin I mentioned in a previous post quartered and placed on the mini.I put the fat side down and it got nice and crispy. You can tell this thing cooks nice and even.
Pork Loin
Here are a few slabs of BB's on my 22" OTS.
BB ribs
This 3 lb rump roast (I think thats what it was) cooked on the top grate without a clay saucer... kind of like a UDS directly over the coals.
rump roast
Here is a Ribeye roast. We had prime rib tonight!!!! I wish the pictures were better. It was my first time making Prime Rib. Tough to remember to take good pics.
Halfway done Prime Rib

This is about half-way through the cook. You can see the fat peeled back a little bit, and I'm not sure why that happened. This gives a glimpse of my boneless prime rib roast, on the center of three grill positions, over a glazed ceramic saucer. I forgot to foil the saucer, so there is a lot of juice collecting on it. The scorched meat juice smelled amazing, but a mess. The saucer is held up by two halved bricks, which are down with the fuel.
This next crappy pic is some of the slice meat getting passed around the table. Those two pieces on the right are ribeye steaks cooked medium to medium well for a couple people who don't like much pink in their steaks. I pulled the roast at 135 internal temp and rested for about 40 minutes, till everybody was ready to eat. It was still hot and juicy.
Sliced Prime rib.

Truthfully, I used the mini for this because it cooks GREAT! Lump charcoal burns slowly at whatever temp I want, ranging from low 200's to over 400. I could take it over to my Dad's to cook with easy transport.

I love this cooker!
This is an awesome mod! I've been wanting to take my 18" WSM to the office so everyone can experience fresh off the smoker ABTs but really didn't want the hassle of transporting it.

I just ordered my tamale steamer from Target. If anyone can post pics of the tools they used to cut the bottom off that would be great. I have a Dremel but like the idea of a jig saw with a hacksaw type blade if there is such a thing.

I've been looking for a new bbq project and this one is perfect.
just use what you have. coping saw blade, jigsaw, dremel tool, air die grinder, etc. no sense spending a bunch of money on a tool not used often. i'll be using my dremel tool.
My tamale steamer is on it's way. I should have it by Friday. I'll post pics of how I mod it out. I'm really looking forward to turning my SJS into an ABT machine. Right now I only use it to hold my chimney while I'm firing up the WSM.
The reason the Mini WSM is so appealing to me - other than the fact that it's cute to look at next to the WSM, is how cheap it can be made - a $15 CL Smokey Joe, a $20 tamale pot, and a few nuts and bolts!

IF I could find a cheap used Guru, I would give it a try, but its got to be on the cheap to continue the low-cost theme!

yep, so far for me its $10 for the kettle and $15 for the pot. a few more $ for bolts and i'm set. not bad for a small smoker that is more usefull than the large ones most of the time.
Is anyone doing anything funky with the steamer tray or lid after they do their mods? I like to think I'm creative but I'm always surprised at what other people come up with.
The Tamale Steamer just arrived. I made the charcoal basket last night out of some recycled ESM from a previous bbq project. Can't wait to dive into this mod but it will probably have to wait until tomorrow night when I have the time. I'll be sure to post plenty of pics.
This is a fantastic mod. I am collecting the parts for mine. I am thinking of using it for authentic Jerk chicken. The Pimento wood chunks are expensive and this unit would use very little. Cant wait! Great job guys.

Originally posted by Justin W:
Can't wait to see the pictures. Which tamale cooker did you get? do you have a link?

I got mine from Target but through amazon. The pot is $19.99 and about $9 to ship from OH to St. Louis MO. The pot itself arrived in perfect condition but the lid has nice big dent on the edge. Good thing I'm not using it for it's intended purpose. I plan to mod the steamer tray to use as the heat sync holder. I'll post pics this weekend.

Did anyone season the inside of the pot during the first burn?
i plan on running a empty hot smoke session to get a layer of smoke on my "smoker" when its done. no reason but i like the looks of it.
Made the smoker this weekend. I have pics but forgot my camera cable here at the office. I'll post some pics tonight. I made a beef and brat fattie and some ABTs and it worked like a champ!
I've got a SJS here I'd like to try the mod on and I have an aluminum 32 quart pot here I could sacrifice. Any reason I shouldn't use it and opt for the stainless? I'm a fabricator of custom grills and I've never seen a pit use aluminum to know if it would be safe. Alum has a melting point higher than the mini wsm would ever see so I'm thinking it wouldnt hurt to try except the time involved and a pot I use in my camper from time to time. Thoughts?
Brian: Regarding the use of stainless steel V. aluminum.
The only advantage to stainless, IMO, would be durability and looks. I suspect the use of stainless or ferrous metals in commercial construction is likely related to durability. Aluminum is also much easier to work with tools that most of us have. Aluminum has been used in cooking equipment for more than 100 years, but a few years ago someone claimed that it may have contributed or caused Alzheimers. Later, this theory was debunked. With the temps used in smoking, I see no advantage in using a stainless pot, even if you can find one that will fit. Cost is definitely an issue, since the aluminum tamale steamer is available for $20 or less. LDW
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