Thanks for the info, George.
My lid fits perfectly now, but like I said, it took a little work on my part to make it fit. At first it didn't sit down properly but now it fits so perfectly that it actually seals so tight that sometimes I have to give it a small tug to get it off again. There is ZERO smoke leak around the edges. For those interested who can't find George's lid, I got the IMUSA 32 quart tamale cooker. It cost 24 bucks at Walmart.
Here's the results of my cook. For some reason, one of the butts sorta fell apart so it looks sorta like a chicken. lol.
Here they are after 7 hours in the smoke. Incidentally, this the first time I added fuel. That a pretty good run considering I was cooking 2 large butts directly out of the fridge and the fact that my "double decker" grate shortens the amount of fuel I can put in the bowl.
I really like the way this little guy handled itself. The temperature control and stability was great, the fuel usage was effecient, and I loved the fact that the entire "tamale cooker" section can be lifted off easily and bought inside to load up the meat. I don't think it's going to be an over-night cooker for me because I'm pretty sure it will work best (at least when loaded up with meat) if I add fuel ever 5-6 hours. Having said that, it was so easy to add fuel (because the cooker section lifts off so easily and weighs so little) that adding fuel is a non-issue.
All in all, everything went exactly like it was supposed to. This dude required no babysitting and behaved almost EXACTLY like a much so that I'm surprised Weber doesn't sell something like this themselves. Of course, if they did, I'm sure it would cost more than the 40 bucks this cost me.
I'm so happy with this thing that I honestly can't see myself using my other grills much unless we are having a party or something and I need the extra capacity.