Runnin' Hot


Lenny Gurvich

New member
Weber 18" is running hot. All bottom vents closed, full water pan, burning Kford with one small oak log. Cannot get smoker temp below 265f or so for last 1.5 hrs. Any ideas?
How many lit coals did you start with? As mentioned air leaks are usually one of the biggest problems. My wsm does normally runs hot so if I want to be low I have to watch how many lit coals I start with. Also I often have all my bottom vents close so I would say this is normal. One thing I did on my last cook was slightly close the exhaust vent just a bit and this seemed to help keep my temps at 225*. Hope this helps. Vince
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Depending on that, 265° isn't too high. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Agreed, though I'd go so far as to say it's not too hot for anything.

Still, you should see a temp drop with all lowers closed and water in the pan. This can take some time if you're working with all lit fuel plus burning wood (a log??). An out-of-round condition (not always easy to see) can create enough for a draft. A properly fitted door (just bent to fit - it need not be sealed tightly) is not enough for a good draft unless a breeze happens to be blowing directly into the little gap.

In direct Florida sun a Minion start, imo, is always warranted.
The first few cooks on my WSM (purchased in June) ran somewhat hotter than I would have liked as well.
However, now that there is a layer of creosote built up a bit, that heat is permitted to dissipate through the walls, instead of being reflected back into the cooker.
That being said, the output was still enjoyed by all as better than "store bought".
Food is done when it's done. ribs cooked for 3 hours are just as tasty as ribs cooked for 4 hours, if they're done.
Just keep cookin', all will be well.
Lenny,hang in there and keep an eye on things. Chances are your food will be done a little earlier than planned.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Vince B:
As mentioned air leaks are usually one of the biggest problems. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yep, Vince, but there's a pattern on this site. Everytime somebody asks about how to control the temp, the answers invariably go to "what's wrong with cooking that hot?" or "put it in the shade" or "less lit briquettes at the start", etc. Folks, the problem is too much AIR to the coals (but leave the top vent ALONE), and the answer is to do your best to make sure you've got a good fit between the door and sections.

Now, no matter how well a fit you have, the wsm isn't "(air)tight as a drum", so it won't EVER be as easy to control as a UDS (upright drum smoker), BUT, if you ever get a chance to cook in a drum, you'll learn what I'm talking about and I'll tell you what you might do to your wsm next time you get a chance:

reshape your door, check the fit of the sections, contemplate a gasket, and make sure the vents are tight....

unless, of course, you care nothing about low-n-slow or getting more leftover charcoal.

