Royal Oak Lump?????



It's all I use. The last couple of 20 bags seemed to have been of lower quality, and whatever wood they used gave sort of a funky smell.

Anyone else noticed anything unusual?

Maybe it's just me,

This past weekend I opened a bag of RO lump that I purchased last summer and when I was filling the charcoal chamber, out rolls about a 3 lb rock.

Other than not being able to get the rock lit, it's been fine.
Royal Oak sells lump made in South America too, which may be what you have. Somewhere on the bag it should tell you if it was made in the USA or Paraguay.

I have found paper bag scraps in the US made lump too. If that's not picked out, it surely would smell bad.
i find rocks and chunks of concrete sometimes too. i just figure that bag was from the botoom of the pile and the dozer scraped bottom
Uh-oh...I can see a whole new thread starting...What have you found in your bag of lump, besides lump?
Rocks and dirt are common in lump. Remember it's made from trees that are cut down. When a couple thousand pound tree hits the forest floor there's going to be some things that get inbeded into the wood.
Think of lump as real chicken tenders that have the occasional grissle or bone in there and briqs as the pressed and formed perfect chicken nugget.
i ahve never used the lump but the briquettes SMOKE LIKE CRAZY!.the first time i used them they turned the inside of my chimney starter black.needless to say i switched back over to wicked good lump.
Around my part of the world (Howell, MI), my only two choices are Cowboy and Royal Oak lump. The Royal Oak is by far a better quality than the Cowboy brand IMHO. I haven't noticed anything different with recent purchases of the RO.

