Rotisserie question



TVWBB Member
Hi all, I'm looking for a rotisserie for my grills, and I have a question about fitment. I'm looking at the Onegrill roto for a 3 burner grill (to fit my Genesis 1000), and I'm wondering if it will also fit my 22.5" kettle (with a cajun bandit roto ring). Does anybody have this rotisserie or have one they are able to use on both grills?
I bought the 3 burner model (plug in not battery) and it works on my gasser and my 26" kettle. I made a ring to mount it on same thing as the banidit. Love this set up!
Hi all, I'm looking for a rotisserie for my grills, and I have a question about fitment. I'm looking at the Onegrill roto for a 3 burner grill (to fit my Genesis 1000), and I'm wondering if it will also fit my 22.5" kettle (with a cajun bandit roto ring). Does anybody have this rotisserie or have one they are able to use on both grills?
KTyler I just received a Weber kettle rotisserie for late Father’s Day present, and I can tell you that the kettle spit is too short to fit a genesis 1000 😤. I went with the kettle rotisserie as I don’t know if you can get the ring separately. Not too upset as my brother has a genesis 1000 rotisserie so I can just borrow his spit when wanting to use rotisserie on my gasser.
Looks like the genesis 1000 spit has two “grooves” in it, so once my brother drops his off I’ll try and see if it fits my genesis and the kettle.
I’ll post pics later to update.
I've had my kettle roto for over 10 years and while I've had some successes I've given up on it. There is very little heat control because the early Weber ring leaks so much air that the vents don't do much. Even after sealing it and using a HeaterMeter temp controller (thanks, Bryan!), the large mass of uninsulated sheet metal means that it is very susceptible to the vagaries of the weather.
That’s too bad but an interesting tip. I always felt that a charcoal grill was really the best candidate for rotisserie. Seeing some of the great rotisserie cooks Bruce and others have done on their Genesis has grills - and reading this - I guess I need to rethink that.
I wasn't a big grill guy until I got my genesis. I have had Q grills for years, but when I got the Genesis and soon after found a rotisserie for it, it elevated my options and my grilling enthusiasm 100%.
I always felt that a charcoal grill was really the best candidate for rotisserie.

Yeah, maybe so, if the grill was designed around a rotisserie, or if you could raise or lower the food or coal bed for better control. The rotisserie ring changes the whole heating dynamic for a kettle, I think, that whole heat circulation from the dome shape aspect that sets the Weber kettle apart from everybody else.

But I don't want to discourage anyone! The flavor from rotisseried food over charcoal is incredible, and if it were easy it wouldn't be as much fun, now would it?
I live in Maine and do a rotisserie turkey every Thanksgiving. You name the weather , I've had it . Snow, sleet, hail , rain sometimes all in the same day. I took a 55 gal drum and cut the top 1/3 off. Cut down the middle of the rib. Cut four notches for a Weber 22" bowl handle brackets and it fit perfectly down inside. The top of the Weber kettle bottom is flush with the top of the barrel.
Cut a slot on the side of drum equal to the square inch air capacity of the 3 bottom openings on kettle and extended a rod to control temp and shake the ash. I use the rotisserie ring . The kettle in the drum preheats the air being drawn into the kettle and protects the lower kettle from the wind and cold. Has reduced my grill times significantly. Not very pretty but its been working for 15 years now. P1020865.JPG
I live in Maine and do a rotisserie turkey every Thanksgiving. You name the weather , I've had it . Snow, sleet, hail , rain sometimes all in the same day. I took a 55 gal drum and cut the top 1/3 off. Cut down the middle of the rib. Cut four notches for a Weber 22" bowl handle brackets and it fit perfectly down inside. The top of the Weber kettle bottom is flush with the top of the barrel.
Cut a slot on the side of drum equal to the square inch air capacity of the 3 bottom openings on kettle and extended a rod to control temp and shake the ash. I use the rotisserie ring . The kettle in the drum preheats the air being drawn into the kettle and protects the lower kettle from the wind and cold. Has reduced my grill times significantly. Not very pretty but its been working for 15 years now. View attachment 8866
Keith, that is Genius if not pretty. I have the same issues north of you here in Nova Scotia. I like the windbreak too. I use a cardboard box off a kitchen range I bought but yours will roll up and be easier to store. Thanks for posting.

Now, gotta find a barrel! 😀

