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I just pull off a roast from the old smoker and i would like to know if there is some roast that is just not made for smoking.It was a beef roast and i found it in the freezer and i don't know what kind it was but I had smoked it for 10 hours at 230 to 240* and the inside temp. was 175* which is suppose to be cooked well done.It was fork tender and cut easy but it was kind of tough it had marbling in it to a certain point and it seem to me that it should have been tender.after 4 hours the chicken came out wonderful.But the roast is what i don't know about maybe you and some of the other guys and gals can give me a answer to this i would like to know so i can stay away from certain types of beef and pork thank you
Most beef roast don't take to low and slow
like brisket, not enough fat.
Try mopping next time and cook to 135-140* internal, cut across the grain and you
will enjoy it much more.
We do sirloin roast this way and it has worked very well for us.
thank Jim
I have a question for you.Or anyone out there Is there somewhere on this site that will tell you when and how long and what is the best temp. to do your cooking at. and at what temp. is the best to get your meat to in order the get the most tenderness out of it.I can find on this site and on others sites with bits and pieces of infor. but to get down and be able to look and read i can't find hardly anythimg maybe i'am over looking it somewhere but i would like to be able to go to a chart and get a general Idea on how and to what temp. is the best to get your meat to. as being new to the Q. circle it would help me alot to be able to look at a chart and then you would have something to go by as far as time and temp.I hope someone can make heads or tails of this.I hope you have a nice day

There's a chart on the Usage Tips page that provides some of the information you're looking for. It needs to be updated a bit, but it will get you started with the basic barbecue meats you're likely to do.

Chris's times and temps like the rest of
his info are on the money.
For meats that are not classic cuts for Q because of lower fat content, lower finishing temps are required to not cause
the meat to get tough on you. Beef the 130-140* range will do the job.
Also remember the when Q'ing some piece don't give up based on the rules of thumb, in those cases you will need to cook longer.
thanks for the infor.but let me ask you one more question.Somewhere on this site i read something about getting to a certain temp. before the meat started to break down and started to get tender.Can you tell me about this.And when you are talking about meat that won't give up and have to be cooked longer are you talking about briskets more or less. thanks JOE
The idea here is if the meat is low in fat the methods have to change ie: london broil,
sirloin roast, and chuck roasts for example can not be cooked like a brisket.
You need to mop, or marinate so it won't dry out because their fat content is so low.
You cook to lower internal temps 130-140* range.
Now with brisket, butt or ribs the connective tissue start to break down once it reaches the internal temp of 160* and up.
As the tissue breaks down you have release of moisture (fat). Cooked correctly you end up with tender,moist Q.

The cut of meat is what dictates the method you use to cook it. Low fat cuts shorter cook times and lower internal temps, high fat requires longer cook times with higher internal temps.
Thank Jim
if it wasn't for guys like you and chris to keep a person straight no telling what we might cook up for supper. Love the site JOE
As I've said before, one of the best books you can buy to learn which cuts of meat should be cooked by what methods is The Complete Meat Cookbook by Bruce Aidells & Denis Kelly. This is not a BBQ book, but more of a meat reference book, plus lots of recipes. It explains in more detail the processes Jim describes and how meat reacts to different methods of cooking.

Maybe something you can add to your Christmas list...if you've been a good girl or boy!

I have a birthday coming up in October and everytime i try to be good i always get myself in to more trouble than i can get out of so i will just ask real nice with a pretty please on the end and maybe she will have mercy on me and get it for me HA!HA!
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