Rit Dye Method?

And guess what the Rit Dyemore bottle is made of? And acetone bottles, and rubbing alcohol bottles, and myriad other containers. It's pretty dye-resistant stuff.

LOL. I considered maybe doing some colored knobs, namely red, but then I thought it would wind up looking like a toy.
LOL. I considered maybe doing some colored knobs, namely red, but then I thought it would wind up looking like a toy.
Well, here is what it might look like:

Genesis with RED Trim.jpeg

This one was at the AirB&B my wife and I used as home base while trying to find a place to live in Indiana. The owner offered to give it to me, but my wife told her to be quiet!
Yah, it is kind of cool. But I don't think that would be a permanent thing that I would like.
Your wife obviously knows that there is no accounting for taste.

My wife wouldn’t have cared if it had red, blue or pink trim pieces. She is just fed up with overflowing grill parts and unfinished projects. At this point I have a hard time blaming her:rolleyes:!

I am sorry, I liked the joke! With my many “just one more” acquisitions, the joke is usually on me at my house. I was just pointing out that it was ANOTHER GRILL - not red trim that had my wife trying to keep me from a free pickup of an out of the ordinary old Genesis.🤣

I am sorry, I liked the joke! With my many “just one more” acquisitions, the joke is usually on me at my house. I was just pointing out that it was ANOTHER GRILL - not red trim that had my wife trying to keep me from a free pickup of an out of the ordinary old Genesis.🤣
The grill was fine, and I probably would have brought it home, but I would have died black over the red plastic.

