Riddle me this



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
This guy claims the grill is a Silver B. Yah, sure with a durawood handle and side table and swing table???

But, check it out, that certainly does appear to be a Silver B cook box. I don't see the slots for the second row of flavorizer bars. The frame and knobs and everything else looks very Genesis 1000 style to me. Did the seller drop a Silver B box onto a Genesis 1000 frame? Or am I just looking at this all wrong?

OK, it looks like the grease tray is aluminum, but that isn't a Genesis 1000 class cook box? or is it? It looks too short to be a Genesis 1000 13 bar cook box and I don't see a row where the top row of bars would be.
OK so we have another case of someone putting a Silver B cook box on a Genesis 900 or Genesis 1 frame and it seems to be working?
I think the 900 was Weber' introductory foray into making a "full-size" 3-burner grill with only one row of flavorizer bars. It was a stripped down model for price sensitive shoppers. I guess they felt that worked for them, so they extended it to the whole Genesis line with the advent of the Silver.

El cheapo grates...I think the hood may be a little bit lower, too :unsure: . The bean counters were given free reign with this one. I actually think it is kind of an interesting grill, though, and that one you showed, Bruce, looks pretty nice.
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