Reverse Seared Pork Steaks



Hello. Here is my first and second attempt cautious - Reverse Seared Pork Steaks (Grillinfools thanks for the inspiration). Do not be surprised, the meat from the shoulder cut is different here in Central Europe. This steak is smoked, juicy and tastes really good. (Forgive me my bad English, please. Thank you.)
Reverse Seared Pork Steaks
Welcome Mildo!
Your pork steaks look fantastic!

I live in the heart of pork steak country near St Louis, MO, also home for the GrillinFools website, so trust me when I say that you did an outstanding job.

Again, Welcome!
wow ! those are awesome. seems that pork steaks are becoming more popular here in the states. the ones i get are a bit thinner but hey, its all good.
Great lookin' meal Mildo, WELCOME!
Yeah daddy, those look really goooooood!! thanks for the pics
Those look great in any country, in any language. It's also to see that fire bricks are alive and well in central Europe. LOL My favorite means of cooking indirect and/or smoking on a Weber kettle.
I'm glad everyone likes the reverse sear method. It's nothing new as is little of what I do. I just document it very well.

I just did this method again on country style ribs. All I can say is wow. I hope to have the process documented and on the site in a week or two. Normally I would have it up quicker, but I have a newborn and a toddler at home. Baby's doing great. Toddler? Not so much...
Welcome to the board Scott!

Congrats on the newborn!
Newborn and a toddler, eh
Happy for you, but glad those days are behind me

I'm into spoiling grandkids now!
Thanks Bob. I'm friggin exhausted. When we had the first kid, a couple times a week I would go downstairs and get a full nights sleep to catch up. But my wife can't pick our toddler up for another week and he is now getting out of his bed in the middle of the night and coming in our room. She can't put him back in the bed without asking him to and we all know how well toddlers listen... Gonna be a long week.

Saturday night I got pretty hammered and slept through one of the feedings. Maybe I need to do that tonight!?!?!
I reverse seared country style ribs as well:

I marinaded them in Cherry Coke Zero (long story). Then hit them with Raichlen's KC Sweet and Smoky rub:


Indirect on the grill for two hours with cherry wood. This is 1 hour on:


I seared them after 2 hours to get a flavor crust. For some reason did not get a pic. Then I slathered them with sauce:


The money shot:

Well all I can say is Mildo's pork steaks looks seriously good. Then I saw the country ribs and that just about did me in. Nice work!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by r benash:
Well all I can say is Mildo's pork steaks looks seriously good. Then I saw the country ribs and that just about did me in. Nice work! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Mildo's look outstanding. I couldn't do any better than what he put out there...

