Mike P.
TVWBB All-Star
I'm starting to rethink the way I use unburnt coal in the WSM. In the past, I would turn off all vents after a smoke until the next day. Then clean the water pan, and grates. Then would leave one vent open on the bottom and the top vent open before placing the cover on. This as I have read was to keep mold from forming.
Living in Louisiana with high humidity, I began to notice the new coal poured on top of the old for the next smoke would burn fine but after a few hours, the older coal did not seem to burn as well. After my last smoke, I've stored the unit with all vents closed this time.
My question is: Has anyone else encountered a similar situation?
I hate to waste unused coal and like to make sure I have a good supply loaded.
Thanks for any and all input.
Living in Louisiana with high humidity, I began to notice the new coal poured on top of the old for the next smoke would burn fine but after a few hours, the older coal did not seem to burn as well. After my last smoke, I've stored the unit with all vents closed this time.
My question is: Has anyone else encountered a similar situation?
I hate to waste unused coal and like to make sure I have a good supply loaded.
Thanks for any and all input.