Retirement party pulled pork


Gregg H

New member
I got a request from my brother-in-law for pulled pork at his retirement party. It was my first overnight cook and I was nervous it wouldn't be done on time. It was for 60+ people, so I ended up getting 4, 7-8 lb. butts. That was all I could fit on my 18.5 WSM. Used KBB and pecan chunks for smoke.

Did a rub and slathered in mustard, wrapped them for overnight.

Loaded them up at 11pm and temps stayed stable around 230F for most of the night. Don't have any action shots, but the Maverick didn't alert till 4:30 when I had a spike in temps. It shot up to 275, but I was able to get it back down pretty quick so I wasn't worried. After about 8hrs. I swapped the upper two butts with the lower two, so I didn't over cook the one's on the bottom. I had the probe in the biggest one, so when it hit 190, I checked the other three. they were all 201-203, so I pulled them off and kept the last one on to finish. It took an extra hour, and I was a little late to the party.
Here's one of them as it rested.

All four looked great, pulled easily, bone just about fell out. Very tender and juicy.



I wrapped them up in foil and put them in a cooler for transport. I don't have any other plated pics. I was forgiven for being a little late to the party. It was a hit. I just need to work on my timing a little better. All in all, I was happy with the results since it was my first over night cook.

Thanks for looking!!
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Looks like you nailed that cook and I'm sure they were worth the wait. I think I will always be working on my timing.
Looks nice, and DELISH... What was the time frame you worked with, I am doing a similar cook this Sunday, only 20lbs.. Thanks and good job.
Those pulled pics look amazing! Looks like that bark hardened up, and super moist still. Well done!

I'll call you when I retire in 30 years.
Overnight is the only way to do long smokes. Your Pork looks great! Makes me hungry just looking at it. Someone please invent scratch, sniff, and taste internet!
Looks nice, and DELISH... What was the time frame you worked with, I am doing a similar cook this Sunday, only 20lbs.. Thanks and good job.


It depends on the size o your butts:D. I typically use 3-4 hrs base start, then add 1-1.5hrs. per lb. (I.E. 7lb = 10.5hrs, 13.5-14.5hrs total) I run temps 225-230, I also foiled them when I switched racks, because I wanted to speed things up. I did that when the top one probed at around 160F. Since the one I had probed was on the larger side, it needed the extra time.
Cooking for an important event like that can be nerve wracking , you pulled it off very well. Nice job.

