Definitely good advice. If you have a really good drill press and can hold the orifice blank securely, that could be better. If you can find them it's best to use a precision ream rather than twist bit. Better precision and less issues with any "wobble". But, you would need a VERY precise drill press not a big industrial thing like I have on my bench. Something like this'm finally getting around to converting my 56" LP Vieluxe to NG and have some questions I'm hoping members can help me with.
Vieluxe specified a 4.5 WC regular for the NG grills. The main burners are each rated at 12,500 BTU/hr.
I reference the chart and see that I should use a #50 drill size for this.
I understand that I should only use a hand twist drill bit, not my drill press - is this correct?
I watched a youtube video that said I should use a bit 2 sizes smaller than the desired hole to compensate for wobble but this seems overly cautious to me. Is this good advice?
Thanks in advance.
Don't count on that. He may not have known about Weber's "issues" on this thing. Weber could have made this easier like so many companies do. I.E. Many include a way to change a single main orifice and voila it's done. Or at the least simply the ones on each valve in the system. In any case don't assume someone else already checked on this. Gas is nothing to simply "assume"BTW - I purchased mine from a gas tech who had found it in a barn and restored it. He offered to size the orifices for natural gas when I purchased it but as I didn't have a gas line to my deck ready, I passed so its probably a safe bet that the valves are CV.
You're welcome..Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate the time you've taken.