Restore weathered plastic


John Ford

I recently bought a q320 with a full propane tank for $75
has been outside uncovered & while mechanically it’s fine ( replaced igniter ) it’s weathered.
when the weather warms I’m painting lid with Red caliber paint .
Any suggestions for making the plastic part of cart look better.


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Clean up the plastic with a good grease cutting cleaner. Then use a good automotive vinyl protectant on it. It will come back to new looking. I use Aerospace 303 protectant. It doesn't leave a greasy film and it has very good UV protection properties.


I use Boiled Linseed Oil and Paint thinner at a 50/50 mix. Holds up well.

I use Boiled Linseed Oil and Paint thinner at a 50/50 mix. Holds up well.
When things warm up I want to try that idea. Do you just buy the Boiled Linseed Oil? If so, where?
Clean up the plastic with a good grease cutting cleaner. Then use a good automotive vinyl protectant on it. It will come back to new looking. I use Aerospace 303 protectant. It doesn't leave a greasy film and it has very good UV protection properties.

I used this on Bruce’s suggestion, WOW! Made a 10 year old Q-320 look new!

