Restore Question/Problem


G Savrnoch

TVWBB Super Fan
Genny Silver B Restore Project

So I have begun restoring my newly acquired Genny B. Last night I had it nearly apart and went to take off the right and left trim pieces on the table ends and it wasn't happening.


Once all of the bolts were removed I found the rear connections slid right out. But the front (right or left) would not go. I looked over the part schematics and other than the bolts saw nothing that would suggest these were being held in place (e.g. clips or tabs). My thinking was rust was holding the plastic inside the metal tubes. Well, my efforts trying to get the left trim out resulted in snapping the trim off of the plastic leg which ended up lodged in the metal frame - so new trim now needed from Weber :(. The piece is out but before I start on the right trim - has anyone encountered this restoring an old gasser? Any easier ways to get it out?
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Try warming up the metal frame. When the metal expands it may be easier to pull out the plastic insert.
Thanks Bob, a little warming with a torch, a little WD40, and several well placed smacks with a mallet did the trick.
Have a Silver C about the same vintage as your B. Frame rust is a common problem. If there are problems with the body, there is a lifetime warranty. Mine had a cracked seam and Weber replaced it free.
Well it was in pretty good shape to start with but I still threw a few hours at it tearing it all down, repairing a few items, new ignitor, cleaning, painting, etc......

Just went back together last night and I think it looks great for my first try.






If I flip it it's going as-is. If I keep it I have new set of flav. bars, the burners are great already and I might treat myself to the cast iron grates.
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You did a great job cleaning that one up! I've done the same on a couple of Bs and flipped them and made a few bucks, there is a good demand for the Bs.
I also have one I bought new in 1997 that I'll keep forever.
Thanks....I ended up selling it but this one came up "FOR FREE" today and it's natural gas which I have a connection for on my patio.

The burners, FBs and grates are in good shape. At this point I think a good cleaning, some paint touch ups, a few small parts and it'll be in great shape.

G Be careful rehabing those old silver Bs can become addicting. I just found a bunch of new SS cooking grates for the silver Bs at a garage sale for next to nothing, now I have to find some grills in need of them.

