Resting the Q and food safety


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Diamond Member
Just a friendly reminder. Holding temp for hot food is generally 140*, minimum.

This am I put what started out as an 8lb. butt in a small cooler to rest. Lazy me did NOT preheat it with hot tap water. 5 hours later the foil wrapped butt was in the 130s. Too low to be technically safe for food service. So please think of your guests and plan accordingly. Happy 4th to all.
Just a friendly reminder. Holding temp for hot food is generally 140*, minimum.

This am I put what started out as an 8lb. butt in a small cooler to rest. Lazy me did NOT preheat it with hot tap water. 5 hours later the foil wrapped butt was in the 130s. Too low to be technically safe for food service. So please think of your guests and plan accordingly. Happy 4th to all.
Why would it be an issue? You already cooked it. It's simply coming down and redistributing. So I gotta wonder what's unsafe? I've been doing rests like this all the time. If it was an issue everyone I've been feeding should be dead now :D
Well if I had to guess thanks to all the wrap and insulation. My brisket, roasts and so on are still above that by the time I unwrap to serve
TL;dr - I'd eat it.

my opinion... note: I do not have any formal training other than what I read on the internet ;)

Meat cooked above 165F for hours has nearly zero bacteria alive. Never zero, but 99.999 (lots of nines ) percent

If the meat is wrapped and isolated from bacteria from an outside source then the meat will likely be safe a long time at 130F.

Safe meaning what little bacteria left alive would take a long time to multiply and survive at 130F

If the meat was uncovered then it is a different story, but wrapped, wrapped in towels, put in a cooler? Seems like a very, very ( lot's of very's ) low probability the meat has gone bad.

YMMV, Not a lawyer, not a scientist, my advice may be prohibited in some states.
The commercial standards are just that, commercial. The lawyers helped determine what the standard needed to be to make sure that the there were a minimum of (lost) lawsuits. So following that standard will keep your food really, really, really safe. But it also means that you can most likely eat that food at 135º without spending the night in the bathroom or the ER . . . I've done it all the time, but (to paraphrase my broker) my past performance is no guarantee of your future safety.


