Resting Country Style Ribs?


Brian B.

Planning to do my first set of country style ribs tomorrow over some of Kerri's baked beans. Any thoughts on resting the CSRs after I pull them off? Do you take them off hot and eat them or rest them like a shoulder?

I got a good deal on them, so I am considering them an experiment. Still thought I would like them to be good.


I think any kind of meat straight from the fire benefits from a little rest. Give those juices a chance to redistribute.
ill be curious how they come out. Haven't done CSR's yet on my WSM and I'm dying to try them. Post a picture if you can! Have a good weekend , brother! :wsm:
I'm curious as well. I picked up a giant "pack o pork products" at my grocery store the other day for $.89/lb. It had a little shoulder, some chops (cut too thinly), these country ribs and a loin. It was weird, there were three of these packs and they were "limit 1, must spend $20 to purchase."

My wife looked at me strangely when I walked in with 15 lbs of random pork and broke out the vacuum sealer.

I'll feel ok about ruining them at $.89/lb, but I've yet to ruin anything pork on the WSM so I'm not that worried.......why did I just say that?

I think any kind of meat straight from the fire benefits from a little rest. Give those juices a chance to redistribute.
ill be curious how they come out. Haven't done CSR's yet on my WSM and I'm dying to try them. Post a picture if you can! Have a good weekend , brother! :wsm:
By the time you bring them to the table and get things ready for dinner, they'll have rested enough
By the time you bring them to the table and get things ready for dinner, they'll have rested enough

I agree, CSR's are pretty much ready to consume a few minutes after you remove them from your cooker. Enjoy!

