Removing Silverskin from BB ribs


RJ Lasek

New member
Hi All,

I usually have not had a problem removing silverskin from BB ribs. But today, I made a mess of things. I was unable to get the silverskin to pull off in one strip. I just could not get it going. Any 'best practices' on doing this? I did let the meat get close to room temp, maybe that is why?
A simple paper towel is usually the best tool for getting the silver skin off. It allows you to actually get a grip on it, and helps you peel it off. You can fold the paper towel to a new dry spot each time, to enable you to remove it all.

Good luck.
This is embarrassing, but I realized that the ribs had already likely had the silverskin removed, and I was screwing with the inner membrane! I've always bought my ribs in a cryovac package at Costco, and they have always had an easily-removable silverskin. However, it must have already been taken off.

