Reheating ribs -- different method


Matt A 3

TVWBB Member
I just reheated ribs a bit differently than I normally do, and the result was pretty good. I thought I'd pass this along in case other folks want to try it out. The reheated meal is more like rib tips than ribs.


(1) Take all the leftover ribs and cut the meat off the bones. Try to cut really close to the bone so you get one big piece of meat for between each pair of bones. Inevitably it will be a mix of big pieces and scraps.

(2) Store in the fridge -- I put in a Rubbermaid container.


(3) Preheat oven to 450

(4) Put the rib meat in the center of a large piece of heavy duty foil. Pour on some BBQ sauce (probably best if it is the same sauce you used when you cooked the ribs originally, although I used a different one and it worked fine)

(5) Wrap up the foil so you have a big ball of rib meat in the foil packet (looks like a large hobo pack)

(6) Place in overn for about 15-20 minutes

(7) Remove from oven, unwrap and enjoy!!

In case you are wonderig why 450 for the oven -- that is because the oven fries I was cooking to accompany the rib meat needed a 450 oven. The cooking time for the fries and rib meat was perfectly matched!
There is a million different ways to get to the top of the mountain, and I usually do whatever is the most expedient when it comes to reheating ribs.

I do basically a similar method, but I don't bother boning the meat off first. Mainly I aim for tightly wrapping it in foil, and not overheating them.

I stopped at Everette & Jones in Berkeley today, and picked up a bunch of BBQ, since I was passing thru. Their sauce is one of the best I've ever had, and all in all, the meal was good and true BBQ, which is getting harder and harder to find here in the Bay area. Anyways, I digress... I picked up a full rack of ribs, to take home, and they are double wrapped in HDF, and will be reheated in one large portion too.

The guys at the restaurant hack the ribs with a cleaver when you order them, and then drown them in sauce before wrapping them up.

Brisket was smokey and flavorful, but tough..

