Reheating pulled pork


Randy D

TVWBB Member
I smoked two butts on Wednesday, pulled them that night, and put them in the freezer. Yesterday, I foodsavered them in 20 oz. portions. For my granddaughters birthday party tonight, I planned to reheat a few (3 at first) of the bags in boiling water. I've done this before with small quantities, using tips I learned in this forum. I would bring the water to a boil, then turn off the heat and add the still-frozen pork in the foodsaver bag. After 15 minutes the pulled pork was heated without drying it out or changing the texture. Will this same method work for larger quantities?

Randy D
I would like to thank you Randy on the tip on how you do it. I would have never thought of it and it sounds better than throwing it either in the oven or microwave. Hope it works for you.
I would like to thank you Randy on the tip on how you do it. I would have never thought of it and it sounds better than throwing it either in the oven or microwave. Hope it works for you.

It worked out great. I had to use our biggest pot to cover all 3 bags and the pork was mostly thawed before I put it in the water for 15 minutes. With smaller amounts, I've gone straight from the freezer to the boiled water.


