Red sauce with less vinegar?


Aaron Buys

TVWBB Member
I made the following sauce for my first pulled pork and although I liked it, some people found the Carolina Red to have too strong a vinegar taste. Should I substitute apple juice for some of the vinegar? Is there another sauce you guys would recommend instead?


Carolina Red
1-1/2 cups apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper or hot dried red chile flakes
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon table salt
Cant go wrong with No. 5 sauce. Im not sure how to link it but look under the sauce section of this board and Im sure its on the first page.
You can sub apple juice for some if the vin. The sugar in the juice will make for a sweeter finish; the decrease in acidity will be marked as well.

The No 5 sauce is here. Make sure to read the variations/additions. Several improve the sauce significantly.
You're not alone. I made the Carolina Red once, and the No. 5 once (the first iteration mentioned on that link) and both were way too vinegar-y for me or anyone who ate it. From what I read on the No 5, there are plenty of things you can do to it to make it more to your liking.

Good luck!
the carolina red & #5 are nothing alike -- #5 is thick like you (I) expect bbq sauce to be, & has the best flavor I've had so far. Give it a shot & feel free to modify, I don't think you'll be disappointed.


...oops, I haven't tried Carolina Red, just the Bastardized Piedmont sauce.
Thanks for the tips everybody. I make up a batch of the #5 and substituted half the apple cider vinegar for real apple cider. Seems to be a hit with those that have sampled it so far!

