Red Bud grill at Schnucks supermarket


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Assume they're giving it away, but couldn't find a form or other info.

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Way to help bring in a winner at last night's Cards game Jeff!
We watched on tv, might have seen you, were you wearing red? :p

If I find any details about the grill I'll let you know.
I figure all the area Schnucks have one.
MIZZOU night, Bob...I was wearing Black and Gold!

And you did see me, if you watched the post game show. My wife & I got picked for being among the best dressed MIZZOU fans and got on the Jumbotron, then the Fox guys did a filler shot of me and my shiny new Cardinals/MIZZOU hat.
Weber's newest red, crimson I suppose, which is a deep red like my HS alma mater's color, or blood.
Picking up some 89 cents per lb butts there in a day or two, if it's still there, and I can remember, I'll ask someone what the deal is with it.
89 cents a pound??? You are a cruel, cruel man, Bob. ;)

I could almost make that worth driving to Sullivan (first Schnucks on 44).
Says limit 2, but the packages are already labeled, and I have no idea what they would do if you wanted to buy 4.
Could always pay separate and say two are for a neighbor I guess.

