Reasons for Bark Issues?


Tom Tabor

TVWBB Member
I smoked three racks of ribs this weekend, and the taste was amazing, but the bark seemed a bit thick and a bit tough. I'm not sure what the issue was, but I think I cooked them too long before foiling. Here is what I think the problem may have been, but was hoping that someone else could offer some tips or any ideas on what else could have been the problem. I used the 3-2-1 method.

1.) Temp got away from me and in the first three hours I may have spiked up to 270-275 for an hour or so.
2.) Too much rub, after watching a million videos on the subject, I think I went overboard with the amount of rub, and the amount of sugar in the rub.
3.) Too long after glazing after the foil, maybe the sugars in the sauce burnt?

When I cut them, the bark splintered a bit and pulled away from the ribs beside them. When I watch professionals cut them, they cut cleanly with no tearing on either side.

I've had similar issues with too much rub. Now I go for a thin even layer by rubbing the mixture in and shaking off the excess.

Also, I don't generally sauce ribs while they're cooking, but I do spray/baste with something like apple juice. The ribs I made this last weekend were spritzed with 3 parts fresh orange juice and 1 part apple cider vinegar, and that seemed to work out very nicely.
What type of ribs? Anything other than full spares and the 3-2-1 is way too long. I do a light coat of rub at the start and sauce them (if I sauce them) with about 40 minutes left in the cook. That is usually just enough time for the sugars in the sauce to caramelize (@250).
ttabor, everything you listed can add to a thicker bark. Just back each one of those down and your life will be filled with unicorns and rainbows
Simply overcooked. "When I cut them, the bark splintered a bit and pulled away from the ribs beside them."
I've been doing baby back ribs at 275 ° for 2hrs then foiled for 45mins and then sauced for 15mins, and have had excellent results. I've really been liking the 275°range. I use Bad Byron's Butt Rub mixed with some brown sugar 3:1 ratio butt rub to brown sugar.
Here's some i did for Memorial day.
I've been doing baby back ribs at 275 ° for 2hrs then foiled for 45mins and then sauced for 15mins, and have had excellent results. I've really been liking the 275°range. I use Bad Byron's Butt Rub mixed with some brown sugar 3:1 ratio butt rub to brown sugar.
Here's some i did for Memorial day.

Picture perfect....
They were loin back ribs, I've got another smoke planned for this weekend, doing two more racks, spares this time. I'm going to back off the rub a bit, and keep better watch on my temps. I'll post the results. The ribs two posts above this post is exactly what I am shooting for.

What a great resource for folks! Thank you all so much!
i wouldnt worry about the temps as much as cooking them too long or going to heavy on the rub...i always run arount 275 with ribs with good results

