Really liking WSM



New member
So far I have use my new 18.5 WSM to cook a pork butt and smoke a turkey. Even with the very first cook the temp was easy to regulate and keep steady. The results of both cooks were fantastic and received rave reviews from the family.

With some of the leftover turkey my wife made some amazingly delicious enchiladas.

I'm going to get a couple of chickens today and butterfly and halve them for a cook tomorrow. Really liking this cooker. It's a great compliment to my Performer Platinum and the little Q100 that my wife uses for quick things.
Glad you're getting good results with your WSM. I have 2 of them and they are great!

I got out of smoking, with a dedicated smoker for number of years, and bought the wsm back aug of last year. So glad I did, hard to beat the results and ease of running this thing. Though I must admit, when I smoked long time ago, I never paid much attention to temp control and all these fancy mods that I find myself doing to the wsm.

Good to hear you are enjoying the wsm with great results....................d

