Random: Links, Snack Sticks, Picanha, and Beverages


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
Just a random collection of stuff from the last week.....

Hadn't stuffed any casings in a while, so on Tuesday, I ground up some "country style ribs" from CostCo (which I think we all know are just sliced up pork butt, pork belly, and chuck roast. I knew I wanted to make some Snack Sticks and Spanish Chorizo, and then cobbled together a beef/pork Bratwurst with what I had leftover. First off, it pays to dig through the meat packages.....this was a Choice Chuck Roast!


Ground everything through my 4mm plate, seasoned it up, and got them stuffed with my Enterprise stuffer.....

Snack Sticks (sheep's casing)


Spanish Chorizo (pig casings)


Bratwurst (pig casing)


Got three hours of smoke on the sticks (poached to finish)


Hosted the boys for Steak Club on Thursday night. Cut some steaks from a Prime grade Picanha from Wild Fork, then dropped those in my sous vide set-up at 129 for about 3.5 hours. Finished with a sear on the Genesis 1. I think I nailed the finish.....sear could have been a bit harder.


Not in the title, but made up some Tagliolini last night. Served that up with some roasted red pepper sauce and a grilled bratwurst for me, shrimp for my wife.


In no particular order (or even on the same days), I drank some bourbon (old fashioned) and some espresso.....



Living good in California! :)

Grill on, TVWBB peeps!


