Quick question on high heat butt - time or temp?


Jack Henry

TVWBB Member
Hi all,

Been a long winter up here so just breaking out the WSM today. Doing a high heat butt.

I've had it running at 325-375 for three hours and the 9# is at 148. I saw on the original post about HH butt that the fella wrapped it at 3 hours or at 165. I'm assuming I ought to wait for it to hit the temp of 165 before foiling, but just want to be sure I'm not missing out and this might be more of a time than a temp thing...

Thanks and glad to be back on the boards.
never mind. Shot through the 150's in about 15 minutes. Should have read it more closely anyway as it says 150-160 to wrap.
Paul, thanks very much. Was actually looking for the time to foil and continue cooking as opposed to pulling, foiling and resting.

By the way, first high heat pork butt. Ended up pulling it after just short of five hours. Great butter feel and can't wait to taste it!


