Quick pork butt question...


John S.

TVWBB Member
Tomorrow evening I will be cooking a 8 pound butt with the "slathered in mustard and rub" recipe from this site. Does anyone apply the mustard and rub the night before or shortly before the butts go on the bullet? Thanks, John
I rub not lot before the butts go in the cooker and many here so the same. Many others rub the night before. It's one of those personal preference things so try it one way for this cook and the other for the next and see what you think.

Enjoy your cook--and your dinner.
Yeah, i usually rub mine the night before with a standard dry rub but I was wondering if the mustard would have a adverse effect on them? Thanks again, John
The acidic nature of prepared mustard can cause the exterior meat fibers to 'cook', i.e., denature, if left on the meat for many hours but because the mustard is (relatively) thinly applied, and because of the bark formation/meat caramelization process that occurs during cooking, this is usually not noticed.

