Question from a first time brisket smoker.


C Cordon

New member
Hey guys,

Have read posts here for a while and am confident my first should be pretty decent.

12lb, rubbed and marinating now. 8pm start to smoke over night to serve at noon tomorrow.
2 Q's:

1. The packer I have is predictably thin on one side and fat on the other. Meat thermometer goes where to judge overall meat temp?

2. First time on my mother's 18.5" WSM. Should I set an alarm every 3-4 hrs to check smoker temp? Unfamiliar with temp capability over long unattended time period.
Good question for the "new wsm owners" section.

Here goes-
1. Measuring the meat temperature only in the thin part will leave the rest of the meat undercooked. I'd put the thermometer somewhere in the middle.
2. Is the wsm new or is it seasoned? This will help determine the stability of the wsm. Depending on how you start the wsm (standard or minion) the temps should stabilize in a few hours. Using a full waterpan will help keep the the temperature in range but will also consume more fuel.

The beauty of the wsm is its ability to hold a steady temp but you have to get the adjustments of the vents close so it doesn't stabilize too high or too low.

2-3 hours between checks might be better then 3-4 for an unfamiliar smoker.

Woke up and smoker temp was running at about 210. We're about 11 hours in to the cook and temp on the 11 lb Brisket is 180.

Meat thermometer is in the middle of the sloping brisket.

Should I assume the fat portion is 5-10 degrees cooler than my temp reads?

Stuck a thermometer in the fatest part and read 190....

I'm not supposed to serve for 4 hrs.

Any suggestions ?
Begin to focus on tenderness vs. temp at this point. When you probed, did it go in without much resistance? Should be like probing into butter.
C Cordon, as others have said go by feel. When the probe goes in without any resistance, she's done. Don't worry about being done early, you can wrap her in HD foil, wrap in a large towel and throw in a towel lined cooler and she'll hold till dinner.

