

Geir Widar

TVWBB Wizard
I've been abroad, to Wolgast's country. That's all my chrutches will allow me to travel this summer.

In a freezer in exotic Sweden I found a piece of python snake, and I just had to buy it, even if the asking price was a bit high. 50 dollars a pound.

I've searched the interwebs for some sort of recipe, but I've only found posts in english like "I assume that", or "You could try.."

Anyone with hands- on experience, cooking a python snake? I've never tasted it, I've eaten cooked cobra. Once. Never again, but I'm sure python is much better!

"Tastes like chicken" is a saying in English, and I know what that means.
In Norway we say "Tastes like python", and it has a different meaning, that the food tastes awful. Most Norwegians have never tasted python so I just want to find out if this is really the truth.

Cooked? Fried? In a wok? Sous vide? Smoked or grilled?
I thought Wolgast would have shared his secrete python recipe with you by now :)

I did a little searching too, about all I could find is that it can be tough, and a brine might help.
Good luck on your quest, looking forward to a cook post!
Welcome to Sweden Geir! We eat snakes atleased once a week. Python is the poor mans choise...I usually go for the cobra loin.

*jokes aside*

Heck were did you find Python? Never herd of it being sold around here. And even if i did i wouldent buy it :)

About recipes im blank. I guess it needs some cooking time to be tender though. Good luck and report back!

PS, Geir, hope you can 'shed' the crutches soon!
Thank you for your input.

Wolgast- my piece of meat was frozen, and does not move at all, thank you.
I think I will have to brine some of it, and make a sort of wok of the other half. I'm thinking like a couple of very small starters for some of my friends that likes an adventure foodwise.
I bought the python at the supermarket in Charlottenberg, right across the border. They have frozen pieces of meat like wild boar, bear, bison, camel, gnu, crocodile, cangaroo, moose, rheindeer, antilope, and so on. I just love it! A must- try is cangaroo, it is delicious!

Mr. Corell, thank you, I'm off my extra feet, except i do not do stairs or any hills yet, up or down, the same problem. My lawn, where I have walked for over twenty years is still a challenge. Doing progress every day!

And of course, I promise I will post my cooking of the python.
Hey Geir,

I hope the leg continues to progress. In the link below, about half way down a person tried 3 different ways to cook their python. I probably spent the last hour searching because this interested me and from what I see a braise is probably the best way to go. Plus that is the conclusion of the poster below.
Thank you for your effort.
And the knee is coming along just fine, today I managed 600 meters on the threadmill in fifteen minutes. A new record!
I have actually read that thread, and I'd rather try to avoid the to braise the meat. I am curious on how a python snake tastes on its own, without other spices or tastes added. By braising I would have to add wine, stock and so on, and I must admit I'm all out of python stock.. :)

I do not have much meat, and I am quite sure that this will not be a new favourite, I'm just curious. I promise to post the result(s) no matter what.

