Don’t understand the question or reason for the grate reconfiguration.
Are you talking about raising the fire level?
I suppose you could but, I’m not trying it, sounds like a bad idea to me, use a regular kettle!
I think this is what Arun is referring to.
I never tried it.
Why wouldn't you just put the fire where it is supposed to be and remove the middle section of the WSM and put the cooking grate on the bottom section?
Seems much less complicated to me
OK. I stand corrected, interesting idea but, it’s not raising the fire level in this instance, just removing the center section as Anne recommends.
Arun, you always seem to be trying to do things the most convoluted manner ever conceived, you remind me of me!
Good luck, now I’m off to see if I can find my buddy with a diamond saw to cut some pizza stones to fit my gasser, they’re too long by 1/2” drat it! I do crazy tings too!
Last night I finished up the clean up of the $10 dollar kettle. I replaced the sweepers, and reattached the old single side table support, fixed the torn out wire tray attachment on the front leg and, installed the Pizzaque array, too much going on to test fire that this week but, soon.