Purchase advice


Greg Ross-MN

I’m consolidating grills and looking at picking up a Smokefire. There are currently 3 Gen2 EX 6’s on FB marketplace in my are. Used with tons of extras for $1000. New, assembled floor model someone bought from Lowe’s for $750. Not registered for the warranty. And a new in the box one for $1,100. I offered $800 but haven’t heard back.

Thoughts? Is the Sear+ worth paying $1,599 or can I add those updates to a 2nd gen?
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So it looks like the one for $825, person is trying to make a few $$$ on. IDK, if not beat up from being on the floor could be worth it. One new in the box for $1k is nice. Since there are no "unknowns" unless rather than it being gifted it was actually stolen, and the one for $1k, honestly looks like it's in outstanding shape. You would likely want a lot of those extras (at least the shelves anyway). Those alone would put you well over the his full price if you bought new. He's willing to demo it and show you it working well also. Now especially if you can get that price down a tad it could be the best overall value
The used one wouldn’t have a warranty so that is giving me pause.

The new in the box one was a corporate gift so I figured they would be flexible on the price but they told me no. $1,100.

The floor model guy said he could do $750. I’d have to double check the assembly but it should have the full warranty.
The used one wouldn’t have a warranty so that is giving me pause.

The new in the box one was a corporate gift so I figured they would be flexible on the price but they told me no. $1,100.

The floor model guy said he could do $750. I’d have to double check the assembly but it should have the full warranty.

I bought a Genesis 335s last year with the crafted frame and grates, bought the frame for the Smokefire afterwards (still considering whether to get the grates for it). Have purchased the Crafted Plancha, Pizza Stone (these are the best 2 crafted accessories in my view) , Basket and Sear Grate that can all be used on the Smokefire, for me though with the sear station the Genesis is always my first choice to use them and they offer nothing on the Smokefire that the GBS accessories already do, due to it's 600F limitation and rapid temp drop with lid open for the Plancha.

Also have the Crafted Rotisserie skewers and rotisserie basket for the Genesis although haven't used either of these to their full potential yet.
The used one wouldn’t have a warranty so that is giving me pause.

The new in the box one was a corporate gift so I figured they would be flexible on the price but they told me no. $1,100.

The floor model guy said he could do $750. I’d have to double check the assembly but it should have the full warranty.
I guess you need to ask yourself if saving the $$$ on all those very nice addons which I am sure you would want anyway (at least the shelves) is worth it. Especially if they'll take less on that used one all decked out. It sure looks tempting
My Gen 1 EX6 is 39 months old and I'm very happy with it's performance and especially the taste it imparts to food. If I were going to replace it I would get the Sear + because I think the upgrades are worth the increased cost. You cannot upgrade a Gen 1 or Gen 2 EX6 to make it a Sear +. The pellet hopper is a new design, the interior light can't be retrofitted to the EX, the glow plug harness is a new design, the fire pot and grate is a new design and may not fit the the EX. I bought a used EX4 and of those you're looking at I like the floor model for 750 and being able to warranty it. The serial number is on the inside of the pellet hopper lid and you can go on the Weber site and try to register it to confirm that you can.
You have a tough choice @Greg Ross-MN , I don't envy you.
I bought my EX4-2 new in box w/ $500 worth of accessories for $900 on FBM. I asked if it had been registered and was lied too. If I had known no warranty I would not have been in for that money. But, as luck would have it, the grill has been wonderful. No issues at all, functions great. I will just add this. I would not be afraid of any of the three. Good luck and happy smoking.
You have a tough choice @Greg Ross-MN , I don't envy you.
I bought my EX4-2 new in box w/ $500 worth of accessories for $900 on FBM. I asked if it had been registered and was lied too. If I had known no warranty I would not have been in for that money. But, as luck would have it, the grill has been wonderful. No issues at all, functions great. I will just add this. I would not be afraid of any of the three. Good luck and happy smoking.
I'm probably over thinking it. I like the internal changes made to the Sear+ but $750 is awfully tempting.
I would pick the floor model in a heart beat. You can get a front and side shelf from Amazon for about $150., if you buy used like new. Good luck with your decision. Whatever you do, make sure you have help picking it up and unloading it, it's heavy!

Very happy with my Sear+, FWIW. Comes down to wanting the accessories, I think. But there's also the design changes Lew mentioned. My inclination is usually to be safe, buy new and get the warranty (and also a legit receipt). But my Performer was a NIB Craigslist purchase and I've got zero complaints on that. Genesis was also CL, though both were a LOT less money than a Smokefire.
I'm probably over thinking it. I like the internal changes made to the Sear+ but $750 is awfully tempting.
If you go the $750 route then know that the food will taste just as good as the Sear +. The controller and software plus the open cook chamber design are the same for all models of Smokefire. You won't have the accessories but if you're a little handy you can make a 14" or 15" deep front shelf and have a great accessory for under a hundred bucks. If you're into Facebook then check out Weber SmokeFire WoodFired Pellet Grill: Owners Group. I'm one of the admins. Front Shelf Angled.jpg

